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 The leaders of the Karel and Veps peoples are worried that the languages of indigenous peoples of Karelia are not in demand

Indigenous IssuesPeople of Karelia are worried with very small representation of indigenous Baltic-Finnish peoples of the region in local state authority bodies and reduction of the interest of the population of the Republic to learning Karel and Veps languages. That’s what the leaders of public communities of Karels and Veps stated about on the meeting with the Head of the Republic Sergey Katanandov held on 11 January in Petrozavodsk.

As the Chairman of the Council of the Plenipotentiaries of the Conference of Karels, Victor Bogdanov, informed, the conversation with the Governor was initiated by national organizations that desired to express the concern of Karel and Veps intelligentsia about the future of indigenous Baltic-Finnish peoples of Karelia to the heads of the republic.
According to Bogdanov, the Karel and Veps languages are almost not in demand, although a program of their state support is approved and working in the Republic. “For the last 15 years in Karelia hundreds of specialists commanding the Karel and Veps languages have been prepared, but they are not enlisted to the work in state authority bodies, though it could be a powerful incentive for studying native language by Karels and Veps,” – said Zinaida Strogalshikova, the Chairperson of the Veps Culture Society, on the meeting with the Head of the Republic.
The leaders of national communities also expressed their anxiety with curtailment of teaching the Karel and Veps languages in the schools of Karelia, however the Head of the Republic explained this fact by the reduction of the total number of schoolchildren in Karelia. In the whole, Sergey Katanandov shared the anxiety of national intelligentsia and assured the participants of the meeting that the republican leaders are interested in saving and development of the culture of indigenous Baltic-Finnish peoples of the region.

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