Организация коренных народов для коренных народов Российской Федерации
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LIENIP NewsIt’s the tenth group already who in the middle of February completed their education in the Youth Information Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples “NEVOND” on the program “Development of Public Initiatives” in the course “Education in the Field of Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous Peoples”. These were the representatives of indigenous peoples recommended by indigenous public organizations and local self-government bodies of the settlements of the Karelia Republic.

For the time spent in Petrozavodsk the interns studied the basics of human rights and rights of indigenous peoples as well as the mechanisms of their protection at international, Russian and regional levels.
It was achieved by familiarization of the audience of the course with international documents on human rights, national minorities and indigenous peoples, Russian legislation controlling the legal status and rights of small indigenous peoples of Russia, the activity of non-commercial organizations and public unities, and of course regional peculiarities of regulating of these issues. Moreover, the interns of the Center had a good possibility to know better the history and culture of peoples of Karelia, to learn about the work of state authority bodies, participate in public and cultural life of the city Petrozavodsk and the Karelia Republic.
In the course of training there were held a lot of meetings and excursions. There were the meetings with the staff of the Karelia Republic Ministry on National Policy and Connection with the Religious Unities, the Institute of Language, Literature and History of Karelia Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science, National Library of the Karelia Republic, deputies of the Legislative Meeting of the Karelia Republic, judges of the Constitutional and the Supreme Courts of the Karelia Republic. Also, the interns knew about the activity of the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations under the Chairperson of the Legislative Meeting of the Karelia Republic. In the framework of the project together with the regional department of TACIS and Norwegian Barents Secretariat there were informational seminars on grant programs. Specialists of the Republican Center of National Cultures and the Foundation of Development of Social Technologies taught the interns on the rules of drawing projects and searching financial assistance. Besides, the interns got skills of PC and the Internet users.
Owing to the Ministry of Culture and Public Relations of the Karelia Republic and the Republican Center of National Cultures the interns of the Center visited exhibitions, creative parties organized by national cultural organizations and folklore groups. Unforgettable impression was made by the performance of the National Theatre of the Karelia Republic – a play “Lemby” in the Karel language.
Being at the Center, the interns from different places met each other, shared impressions, established working contacts for the future. They received a lot of printed materials on the topics discussed.
In my opinion, such training courses allow indigenous peoples to cooperate more closely with each other, exchange information and experience, share the received knowledge with the countrymen of their territories, thus promoting human rights and rights of indigenous peoples and contributing to the development of this sphere.
So far training in the Center was passed by 65 indigenous representatives from different regions of Russia. We invite those interested to take an active part in the upcoming courses. They say, getting new knowledge improves the skills we already have!

Evgenia Shustova
Youth Information Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples “NEVOND”

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