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 Expansion of Intercultural Dialogue

On 05 October 2007 the interns of Krasnoyarsk Center participated in the project of a public organization Regional Association of Craftsmen, which is a partner organization of Krasnoyarsk Center of LIENIP. The interns took part in the intermediate phase of the project implementation, funded by the grant program of Krasnoyarsky Kray “Social Partnership for Development”. The interns made sure of the possibility to act on the basis of grant funding, compared the presented exhibits with the things made within traditional crafts of indigenous peoples of Taimyr. They also concluded preliminary agreement about preparation of the joint project of Krasnoyarsk Center and the Association of Craftsmen aiming to present traditional culture of peoples of the North and expand international, intercultural dialogue on the territory of Krasnoyarsky Kray. The interns of the Center also expressed their wish to take part in the project and to fulfill it in the regions of residence of indigenous peoples. The interests to such a project was expressed by L. Vladyko, the member of the Expert Commission of the grant competition “Social Partnership for Development”, who attended the event.

Yelena Nechushkina Director of Informational Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples of Krasnoyarsky Kray

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