Meeting of Karelian Organizing Committee on Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People
Äàòà: 09/12/2009
Òåìà: LIENIP News

Meeting of Karelian Organizing Committee on Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People was organized by the Ministry of the Republic of Karelia on National Politics and Relations with Religious Associations and held on 2 December, 2009 in Petrozavodsk. Representatives of public authorities, republican ministries and departments and members of public organizations took part in it. Elizaveta E. Kharitonova, head of the Indigenous Peoples’ Government Assistance Programs Department of the Ministry of the Republic of Karelia on National Politics and Relations with Religious Associations, gave information on republican actions for 2008-2009 concerning implementation of the Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People on the territory of Karelia. Elena V. Bogdanova, deputy minister of the Ministry of the Republic of Karelia on National Politics and Relations with Religious Associations, represented draft program of republican actions for 2010-2011: improvement of normative legal instruments concerning protection of indigenous peoples’ rights; development of effective economic measures to support traditional living of indigenous peoples; organizational and technical arrangements in the field of health care of indigenous peoples including healthy-life propaganda; organizational and technical arrangements in the field of education of indigenous peoples; ethnocultural programs, projects, arrangements; information and methodical activity; preservation and propaganda of cultural heritage and development of traditional culture of indigenous peoples; All-Russian and interregional action and international collaboration. Members of Organizing Committee suggested amending and specifying certain points in the program of republican actions for 2010-2011.
Elena Leontyeva,
Director of Karelian Center

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