Newspaper of Lydic Karelians
Дата: 02/07/2008
Тема: Indigenous Issues

The first issue of "Lyydilaine", monthly public newspaper in Lydic dialect of Karelian language, is published. Appearing of the new edition was preceded by long work on mapping native speakers of Lydic dialect and finding-out of true quantity of potential subscribers. The Lydic Karelian Society in Finland founded by poet Mijkul Pahomov who was also its first president has aimed to revive interest to preservation and studying of language and culture of the Lydic Karelian ethnographic group.
On preliminary mapping data, about one thousand people speak Lydic dialect. At mapping the majority of respondents noted, that they would like to receive information in their native language. The Lydic Karelian Society had immediately reacted to the appeal of native speakers and had supported publication of the newspaper.
Trias Karelian youth public organization are the partners in this project and founders of the "Lyydilaine" newspaper. The "Lyydilaine" monthly newspaper is intended for those interested in history, culture, language and literature of Lydic Karelians, life and destiny of Karelian villages and their residents.
In the first issue of the "Lyydilaine" one can find articles about creative groups singing in Lydic dialect, famous Karelians, announcements of forthcoming holidays and camps for people willing to study Lydic dialect of Karelian language.

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