Organization for and by indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation
     NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
     Associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations
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 The old problem for new students: about HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted infections for young indigenous people

LIENIP NewsFrom 16 to 17 October 2011 in Krasnoyarsk there was a seminar "Prevention of HIV infection, STIs among young people. Reproductive health". The seminar was organized by the Regional Public Organization “Information and Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples of Krasnoyarsky Kray”, Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization "We are against AIDS" with financial support of inter-regional public organization “Lauravetlan Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples”. 25 students of the Krasnoyarsk College of Radioelectronics, Economy and Management – representatives of various indigenous peoples: Yakuts, Tuvinians, Dolgans, Khakas – took part in the seminar.

Posted by admin on Monday, December 05 @ 05:59:46 MSK (1887 reads)
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 Festival in the Khakasia Republic


On 9 September in Khakasia the 1st Interregional Festival of the culture of Shorian indigenous people “Ilanys. Return to the roots” was held. It was devoted to the international day of indigenous peoples of the world. The holiday took place in Anchul village of Tashtypsky Region and gathered a lot of guests and participants from Tashtypsky and Askizsky regions of the Khakasia Republic, from Abacan town, Gornaya Shoria of Kemerovskaya Oblast.

Luckily, the day was bright and sunny! Breathing with clean taiga air, children were joyfully shouting. They are always the first at any holiday. And their laugh and running made the adults’ hearts beat quicker cheerfully foretasting the celebration.

Posted by admin on Thursday, October 06 @ 13:53:33 MSK (1952 reads)
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 The 4th session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples completed its work

LIENIP NewsFrom 11 to 15 July 2011 in Geneva in the frameworks of the UN Human Rights Council the 4th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was held. For discussion during the session the final report on indigenous peoples and the right to participation in decision making was presented. At the session of the Expert Mechanism, LIENIP was represented by the president Gulvaira Kutsenko, Tatyana Demkina (Tyva Republic), Irina Solodukha (Altai Republic), Tatyana Kalyantagrau (Chukotsky Autonomous Okrug). 12 July on item 4 of the agenda LIENIP presented the statement of 25 indigenous organizations of the North, Siberia and the Far East and Dagestan Republic. The text of the joint statement of indigenous organizations of Russia is below:

Dear experts and participants of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples!

We speak on behalf of 25 organizations of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. Our statement is also supported by indigenous organizations of the Northern Caucasus, in particular, Dagestan Republic.

Posted by admin on Friday, September 30 @ 05:27:50 MSK (1698 reads)
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 An international festival “Veps Tale” is taking place in Rybreka village of the Karelia Republic on 25 September

LIENIP NewsKarelia regional public organization “The Society of Veps Culture” with the financial support of the State Committee of the Karelia Republic on National Policy, Public Affairs and Religious Associations carry out an inter-regional festival "Veps Tale" on September 25, 2011 in Rybreka village of Ryboretskoye Veppsian rural settlement, Prionezhsky municipal district of the Karelia Republic.

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 20 @ 18:13:20 MSK (1481 reads)
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 It is possible to find the way out. Todzha

LIENIP NewsFrom year to year the United Nations together with the world society are struggling with global problems such as clean water scarcity, endangered species of animals, children’s rights, etc. On 1st January 2005 the UN declared the Second Decade of Indigenous Peoples of the World. It means there is a problem which needs special attention. Indigenous peoples, living on their territories often rich in natural resources, are nevertheless one of the poorest category of population. Their traditional lifestyle, economy and crafts are far from profit.

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 20 @ 18:11:14 MSK (2015 reads)
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 LIENIP participated in holidays in the Tuva Republic

LIENIP News09/10 August 2011 in Kyzyl (Tuva Republic) the Association of indigenous communities of Tuvinians-Todzhin "Tos-Ciadir" in partnership with the Tuva Institute of Humanitarian Studies in support of the Government of the Republic of Tuva and IPO "LIENIP held a seminar "Topical issues of indigenous rights to traditional nature management: Russian and international contexts."

The seminar was held at the remarkable day for all of indigenous peoples - International Day of Indigenous Peoples of the World. This year, in the Tuva Republic a number of major festivals is concentrated at the same time – 90th anniversary of the Tuva Republic and national holiday "Naadym".

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 20 @ 18:04:42 MSK (1705 reads)
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 The first meeting of the Advisory Council of Interdepartmental Working Group on Inter-Ethnic Relations

LIENIP NewsAugust 25, 2011 in the building of the Government of the Russian Federation there was the first meeting of the Advisory Council of the interdepartmental working group on inter-ethnic relations, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. Participants of the work of the Council were representatives of different national, religious associations, the scientific community. Indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation were represented by "LIENIP" (President Gulvayra Kutsenko) and RAIPON (President Sergei Kharyuchi).

Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 20 @ 18:02:31 MSK (1495 reads)
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 Materials of the International Symposium for members of indigenous communities of the North, Siberia and the Far East are published

LIENIP NewsIn august 2011 due to the financial aid of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation there were issued the Materials of the International Symposium for members of indigenous communities of the North, Siberia and the Far East on copyright protection for traditional knowledge (in Russian and English). The International Symposium, which brought together representatives of government agencies, international organizations, academic institutions, indigenous NGOs and communities from 20 countries of the world, was organized and held in November 2010 by the Ministry of Regional Development in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This book presents background information on the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions as objects of intellectual property, as well as an overview of the discussion held during the Symposium on issues of common approaches to the protection of indigenous intellectual property, genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore. The volume contains the official report of the Russian delegation of the International Symposium, presented at the seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore in Geneva, as well as used in international practice terminology in the field of copyright protection for traditional knowledge.

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 15 @ 11:21:28 MSK (1600 reads)
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 Indigenous peoples of Gorny Altai are worried with the fall of the spacecraft

LIENIP NewsAnxious population of Novotroitsk village (the place of compact residence of the indigenous people - Tubalar) Turochaksky region of the Altai Republic appealed to the information center “Birlik” in relation to accidental fall of the launch vehicle of the cargo spacecraft "Progress-N12M" launched from the cosmodrome "Baikonur" on August 24. Resulting from the problems of the third-stage engine, not only the stage but also the cargo ship itself collapsed. First of all, the Tubalars were interested if they could harvest cedar nuts, berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs this autumn. This year for the first time in seven years in Gorny Altay there is a good yield of cedar nuts. And what is the radiation situation in Turochaksky and Choya regions? It is still unclear, whether on the territory of Choya Region there was the toxic fuel, which the carrier rocket took on the international space station. Local population complained about scratch in the throat, high blood pressure and continual headaches. They raised the question why the population of the territory, where the space litter fell, are not subject to indemnity for the lost health. Every time when the stage fall local people fell stress and anxiety about their health, health of their children and grandchildren.

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 15 @ 11:16:56 MSK (1695 reads)
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 A New Look at Protection of Cultural Heritage and Nature

LIENIP NewsAn educational workshop "Indigenous Peoples and Protection of Environment, Historical Monuments and Culture of the Territory of Traditional Nature Use "Ere Chui" of Kosh-Agach District of Altai Republic" will take place on 21-23 October, 2010 in the assembly hall of the Kosh-Agach District Administration. The workshop will be held by the Regional public organization "Information Center of Indigenous Peoples of Altai Republic "Birlik", the Association of Telengits Indigenous Communities "Ere Chui" (The Holy Chui), the Development Department of the Territory of Traditional Nature Use of the Kosh-Agach District's Department of Culture with the assistance of the Interregional public organization "L'auravetl'an" Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples" and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Roslesinforg" within the bounds of the UNDP/GEF project "Biodiversity Conservation in the Russian Portion of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion". The territory of traditional nature use of regional significance "Ere Chui" was established in Kosh-Agach District of Altai Republic under the resolution of the district deputies' council of 28 May 2009. The head of Kosh-Agach District Leonid Efimov not long ago adopted the statute of out-of-staff public inspectors who will assume responsibility for protection of the specially protected natural territory, protection of rare animal species (argali, snow leopard). Inspectors will be from among indigenous representatives of the district - Telengits.

Posted by admin on Monday, October 18 @ 14:51:02 MSD (2077 reads)
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 Brief Report on 07 October Event at the Duma, Moscow

LIENIP NewsOn the 7th October 2010 from 11a.m. to 2p.m. at the Duma in Moscow, members of the State Duma and Federal Soviet as well as representatives of financial, cultural and educational organizations gathered together to address language diversity in Russia and its present-day problems and perspectives. The audience was varied and represented by students as well as members of several language communities in Russia. After registration, where the assembly received a copy of the program, they took a seat in the small auditorium at the Duma and listened to the presentations. The schedule showed an intense and break-free program. Each speaker had 10 minutes to talk and, despite the presence of microphones throughout the auditorium, the audience was provided with no time for questions and/or interventions.
Valentin Kuptsov, President of the State Duma Committee, chaired the event. From the beginning of his talk, it was made clear that the presentations would have been administered in the presence of two “guests” from the European Union, i.e. Mr. Sigve Gramstad, Vice-Chair of the Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, and Prof. Mahulena Hoffmann, Member of the Committee of Experts under the Council of Europe Charter for Regional and Minority Languages. Their presence was meant to provide “another point of view” on the present-day Russian language situation, supported by their long-term experiences on such issues in Europe. It was later made clear by Konstantin Kosachjov that the whole event was put together in order to discuss the ratification of the Europe Charter on behalf of the Russian Federation.

Posted by admin on Monday, October 18 @ 14:49:48 MSD (1995 reads)
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 Workshop 'Use of Ethno-Cultural Capacities of Indigenous Peoples in Development of Rural Tourism' Was Held in Petrozavodsk

LIENIP NewsThe workshop "Use of Ethno-Cultural Capacities of Indigenous Peoples in Development of Rural Tourism" was held on 6-8 October 2010 in Petrozavodsk within the project "Network for Promoting and Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Indigenous Communities of the Russian Federation". The workshop was organized by the Karelian regional public organization "Youth Legal Information Centre of Indigenous Peoples "Nevond" with financial support from the Interregional public organization "L'auravetl'an" Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples" as well as with informational and organizational support from the Ministry of Culture of Karelian Republic, the State Committee of the Republic of Karelia for National Politics and Relations with Religious Associations, the state institution "Center of National Cultures and Folk Art of the Republic of Karelia".
The workshop objectives were raising public awareness on tourism development in the region; educating the population of the Republic of Karelia on the history and culture of indigenous peoples; development of indigenous peoples’ capacity to attract tourists to the settlements, development of national consciousness of indigenous youth, preservation and development of national identity.

Posted by admin on Friday, October 15 @ 20:02:01 MSD (2178 reads)
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 Workshop 'Conflicts Prevention and Furtherance of Dialogue in the Aspect of Protection of Taimyr Indigenous Peoples Rights'

LIENIP NewsA training workshop "Conflicts Prevention and Furtherance of Dialogue in the Aspect of Protection of Taimyr Indigenous Peoples Rights" was held in Dudinka (Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District, Krasnoyarsk Krai). Representatives of Taimyr indigenous peoples took part in the workshop.
Larisa G. Yalovetskaya, candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor of social and cultural department of the branch of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (Norilsk), was the main lecturer of the workshop. Larisa G. Yalovetskaya reads lectures on the basics of communicative culture, socio-cultural activities, psychological foundations of professional skills, social psychology, conflictology, etc. She has 15 publications, 8 of them are educational ones, 7 studies and one monograph "Formation and Development of Pedagogical Conflictology in Russia ".

Posted by admin on Saturday, September 25 @ 11:06:21 MSD (2057 reads)
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 Workshop for Representatives of Shorian Indigenous Communities of Khakassia

LIENIP NewsOn September 8, 2010 the Ministry of National and Territorial Policy of Khakass Republic together with Gulvayra Shermatova, president of interregional public organization “L’auravetl’an Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples” organized a workshop for representatives of indigenous communities of Shors living in Republic of Khakassia.

Posted by admin on Sunday, September 19 @ 19:14:05 MSD (1998 reads)
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 Closure of the 3rd Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

LIENIP NewsThe Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples closed its session on 16 July 2010 in Geneva and adopted the progress report on its third
It will be recalled that the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples held its third session from 12 to 16 July 2010. In addition to the five members of the Expert Mechanism, the participants in the session included representatives of States, United Nations bodies and specialized agencies, non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions, academics and a large number of indigenous peoples.
The Expert Mechanism held a discussion on the progress report on the study on indigenous peoples and the right to participate in decision-making and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , with a particular focus on its use at the international, regional and national levels to promote and protect the rights of indigenous peoples. It also held a discussion on proposals to be submitted to the Human Rights Council.
Press-center of LIENIP

Posted by admin on Wednesday, July 21 @ 15:28:39 MSD (1905 reads)
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The brochure on interregional public organization “LIENIP”, devoted to its activities and projects implemented in 1996-2006, is published in English.

The flyer on LIENIP in German.

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