Организация коренных народов для коренных народов Российской Федерации
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 Publication of Legal Brochure “Right of Indigenous Peoples to Land and Natural Resources”

LIENIP NewsThe brochure reviews and analyses the law in the field of nature management, right of indigenous peoples to traditional living, and protection of original habitat. Here one can find instructional advice on application of Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal law for protection of the right of citizens to participate in elaboration and adoption of laws. The book tells about participation of indigenous communities and public organizations in legal campaign for protection of public interests in adoption of a new Forest Code. Models of legal documents are given in appendix.
The brochure is designed for a wide variety of reading public: public organizations, activists, indigenous communities, nature conservation structures of public authorities. Academic and educational institutions may use it as a workbook while teaching ecological and constitutional rights.
Please turn to regional LIENIP coordinators to get the brochure. You can also contact us by email:

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Statement of Parents and Pupils of School № 28 in Abakan

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