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 IV World Reindeer Breeders Congress in Norway

Indigenous IssuesIV World Reindeer Breeders Congress is taking place on 30 March – 03 April in Kautokeino (Norway). The Congress is the supreme international body of reindeer breeding. It applies to 24 reindeer breeding peoples living in 9 countries. The Congress is quadrennial. Last time it was held in Yakutsk in 2005. The Congress coordinates and defines work rules of reindeer breeding on international level. The results are stated in the declaration that is developed during every meeting of the Congress’s participants. It is an important link between reindeer breeding, administrative and academic circles. More than 500 participants from the whole polar territory make it an important meeting place of reindeer breeders, scientists, and deer-raising and indigenous peoples specialists.
The participants are representatives of 28 deer-raising polar regions, official guests and observers from various countries and regions, reporters from academic institutions and organizations, cultural workers, and exhibitors.
Information Center “Finnougoria”

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