Организация коренных народов для коренных народов Российской Федерации
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 International Fair "North Civilization – 2008"

Indigenous Issues15 – 19 April III international fair "North Civilization – 2008" will be held. Reindeer breeding, fishing and hunting products and souvenirs of small indigenous peoples of the North and the Far East will be exhibited at the fair. Fair programme includes exhibition of highly artistic works of arts and crafts, exhibition "Folk Decorative Arts"", amateur and folk arts competitions, folk groups' performances and national cuisine sampling. There will also be master classes, seminars and round tables.
The fair is held for a third time. It aims to favor mobilization of business associates and investors for clan indigenous communities, to attract the general public and federal authorities to experience of small business development in the field of traditional economic activities of small indigenous peoples of the North.

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